Weeknotes: week 4, 2023

What is this? I’ve decided to write a post about my week, every week, as a means to prompt myself to write regulartly. I stole this idea from maiques Things This Week, who in turn was inspired by James Van Dynes The Week. This is the first post in this format. If you’re curioushebdomadary is just a fancy way of saying weekly, so I went with it.

✱ Some already expected changes finally happened this week at work. Me and a friend are changing teams, and this will allow us to better focus on activities with which both of us — besides a couple of other very nice colleagues— we’ve been around for almost 4 months now. On an interesting side note, It involves data lakes and, somehow, a platypus (no further information will be undisclosed, though 😂).

✱ My wife is traveling to visit her relatives, and will only be back the first week of February. Thus, I’m currently both a father and acting mother and, of course, I’m not up to making up for her. This means, among other things, that our house, temporarily occupied by three men, is only as tidy as three men can maintain it. But either we’ll learn to make it tidier or she’ll be back before it happens (what honestly is much more likely)…

✱ After having read the least books ever in 2022, this year I intend to come back to my usual marks. I’m almost in the end of two books, but just this week I came across a third one, and started reading it while pausing them. When it comes to reading, I’m my only enemy — as I tend to add books to my queue as I go. Heaven help me!

