Weeknotes: week 15, 2023

✱ Our Easter Sunday started different: my younger son broke our frontdoor key in half when trying to open it in the morning and one of the halves remained stuck inside the lock. So, besides a visit from the Easter bunny 🐰 we were also visited by the locksmith. Result of the Sunday: lock fixed and lots of chocolate. 🍫 😋

Opúsculo is a word in Brazilian Portuguese, meaning a very short book” or a small work”. I learned about it reading a opúsculo, named Como fazer inimigos e irritar pessoas (something like How to make enemies and irritate people”, as a free translation to English). It was free last Sunday on Amazon, as announced by Henderson Bariani, the author himself. As the name suggests, it’s a manual for the misanthrope to avoid making friends and to lose the one they (might) have. Now, I’m not a misanthrope myself (and the finest example of one for me is Gregory House), but I like to read such books so they can surprise me. And this one did surprise me. I might have misanthropic characteristics, because some of the tips offered by the author seem like things I do.

✱ Now, I normally don’t talk about people that I’ve started following on Mastodon, but Daniel Albu deserves an exception: he’s a freelance game developer from whose posts I found out about the Electronika 60 Tetris version playable from the web browser. Browsing his feed is like going back to my childhood, with Monkey Island, Space Quest, Duke Nukem and Sam & Max, besides soooo many games that fill my heart with fond memories. ❤️ Fantastic.

✱ I’ve paid a very welcome discounted price for a lifetime license of Clozemaster, at 50% off the regular price — all because I had decided to quit the service. They sent me an email with this limited time offer and, as I like their approach, went for it. Now I can keep learning French and any other languages offered without ever having to further pay for it ☺️.

