impacto dos vieses cognitivos na tomada de decisõesOs vieses cognitivos podem ter graves consequências em decisões importantes, pois podem levar a erros de julgamento e ações inadequadas. Algumas das 2023-06-20 notes
desvioDesvio é uma situação (mudança, problema ou não conformidade) com potencial de alterar positiva ou negativamente a linha de base ou referências 2023-06-20 notes
Weeknotes: week 24, 2023✱ After two weeks in a row, I’ve finished reading Dragon Wing, the first of the seven books that form the Death Gate Cycle, an adult fantasy fiction 2023-06-18 weeknotes
Weeknotes: week 23, 2023✱ One never knows when Murphy’s Law is going to strike. We have this Epson printer home, seldomly used nowadays as mostly everything became 2023-06-10 weeknotes
Weeknotes: week 22, 2023✱ If someone asked me, I’d say the most amazing play I’ve ever watched happen in NBA was featured by Derrick White last Saturday, a couple of hours 2023-06-03 weeknotes
Weeknotes: week 21, 2023✱ I’ve always been a big fan of Michael J. Fox, specially because of the Back to The Future trilogy he starred. So it was only natural for me to 2023-05-27 weeknotes